Log a New Ticket

Please fill in the below form, to log a new ticket. Please provide as much information as possible, when logging a ticket. (Such as device name/operating system/browser, description of the issue, and screenshots of error messages received) This will aid us in accurately triaging your ticket and giving it it the correct priority \ assigning it to the most appropriate team.

Please follow this ticket up with a call to the IT Servicedesk, if you are reporting an IT EMERGENCY (Such as a major or critial IT Service Outage) Tel: 01253 224925 Option 2.

Contact Information

Help Topic

Ticket Details

Please Use the Correct Form, When Logging Tickets

Please use the correct form, when logging tickets. An incident, is an event that causes disruption across the network, or affects a major system and should be reported separately. Please use the Report an IT Incident help Topic, if you need to report an IT Incident. Use the report a problem form, if you are reporting an IT Fault.

Before Logging A Ticket...

We need as much information from you, when reporting an IT Issue. We have created a KB Article on this, which you can read here, along with the Do's and Dont's When Logging Tickets. 

Computer Information

So that we can find your workstation on the LAN Database, please provide some more information, such as your Computer Name, it's type, IP Address and other information, that will help us identify it on the network.

Most of this information is located on the sticker on the front of Managed Workstations.

Issue Categorisation

Now we need to categorize your issue. Please select the Category, Sub Category and Item that best matches your issue. If none of the options apply, please choose other. 

Information About Your Issue

Please make sure you provide as much information about the issue as possible. 'One Liner' messages will not suffice, as this will delay in getting your issue sorted. We need details on what has happened, what you have tried, in order to get the issue fixed and any error messages. 

If you have a screenshot available, this will help our Technicians greatly. 

If you are reporting an Incident, please use the "3 What's"

  • What - What were you doing when the incident happened? (IE: Browsing the Internet)
  • What - What did you expect to happen? (IE: Facebok should of loaded up)
  • What have you tried to resolve the Incident yourself? (IE: Rebooted Your Workstation)
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