Frequently Asked Question

Spam Filtering
Last Updated 2 days ago

We use STRIKE as our Mail Filtering System, which filters out 99% of the junk we get through on email. Junk Mail is annoying and intrusive, so it is important that mail is filtered. 

Junk Mail will be sent to a quarantine folder, where it will remain until it is released, blocked or deleted.  The Quarantine is checked regularly and email is released when it is not SPAM. Any SPAM is blocked and removed from quarantine.  

Please be aware that the SPAM Quarantine is not 100% accurate and occasionally some SPAM will make it through the filter. These emails will have the subject line appended with *** POSSIBLE SPAM *** 

We can block the sender of an email, if you do receive a SPAM message. Please log a ticket with information about the sender, so we can block it.

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